Hazelnut Wax Candle Benefits – Complete Reviews and DIY

jelly wax melt

Hazelnut wax is a vegetable-based wax that is emerging as a new option for eco-friendly candle making. Derived from hazelnuts, this aromatic wax offers several advantages over standard waxes. Its source, production method, natural properties, and uses make hazelnut wax an interesting ingredient to explore.

What is Hazelnut Wax?

Hazelnut wax is extracted from hazelnuts, the fruit of Corylus avellana or the common European hazelnut tree. It is produced using shells, skins, and other residues leftover from hazelnut oil and food production. These agricultural byproducts undergo chemical processing to extract and refine the wax. The resulting product is an all-natural, vegan wax alternative.

Where Does Hazelnut Come From?

The key ingredient for hazelnut wax is hazelnut oil. Major producers like Turkey, Italy, and the United States rely on vast hazelnut orchards to supply raw hazelnuts. After harvesting and roasting the nuts, producers crush and press them to extract high-quality culinary oil. Hazelnut utilizes the shells and skins remaining after oil production. Only a small number of specialty suppliers currently process these residues into wax.

How is Hazelnut Wax Made?

Hazelnut wax production begins with the shells and skins left over after pressing hazelnuts for oil. Producers wash and dry this nut biomass before using solvent extraction to remove any traces of oil. Once dried and defatted, they apply indirect steam heating to melt and filter the wax. After extracting crude wax, further refinement and bleaching purify the product into various grades of hazelnut wax.

What are Hazelnut Candles?

Hazelnut candles contain wax sourced from pressed and processed hazelnut oil byproducts. They incorporate large amounts of hazelnut into the candle formula instead of typical waxes. This imparts candles with a characteristic hazelnut aroma and earthy brown color. The natural properties also affect burn quality. Production ranges from major manufacturers to small home crafters.

Is Hazelnut Good for Candles?

Hazelnut wax makes an excellent candle ingredient in multiple ways. Its medium melt point suits container candles well. The wax also exhibits good oil retention for even burning and fragrance throw. The easy color dispersion is another advantage of candles. Hazelnut has a small natural carbon footprint too. Pure varieties and blends allow broad formulation flexibility.

Benefits of Hazelnut Candles

  • Pleasant, Nutty Scent – Hazelnut lends candles a mild, sweet, nutty fragrance reminiscent of hazelnuts.
  • Smooth, Even Burning – Natural oils in the wax fuel through wax pool melting for steady, consistent burns.
  • Good Fragrance Release – The wax holds and emits aromas nicely at standard candle temperatures.
  • Easy to Dye – Earthy pigments disperse uniformly into hazelnut, emitting warm candle colors.
  • Sustainable and Eco-Friendly – Upcycling an agricultural byproduct for candlemaking has environmental advantages over fossil-fuel waxes.

Best Hazelnut Wax for Candles

The best hazelnut wax comes from reputable suppliers who refine and filter it to high standards. Seeking food/cosmetic-grade wax ensures low impurities and consistent quality for candlemaking. Top choices like EcoSoya and Cargill refine wax specifically for candle use. Testing samples helps gauge color, scent, and hardness too. Consider blended options to modify properties like melt point. Those containing soy wax or coconut oil make nice pairings.

Hazelnut Candles DIY

Making homemade hazelnut candles only requires basic materials like wax, wicks, dye blocks, and fragrance. Simply melt wax using a double boiler, adding several dye chips until reaching the desired candle color. Then mix in essential oils or candle fragrances sparingly to scent the wax. Carefully pour the wax into containers and embed wicks before cooling completely. For enhanced performance, experiment with blending hazelnut with soy, coconut, or beeswax.

Why is Hazelnut Wax Used for Candles?

  • Sustainable Byproduct – Using hazelnut shells and skins to make wax reduces agricultural waste streams.
  • Neutral Base – With a faint natural scent, the wax serves as a neutral base for candle fragrances.
  • Burn Properties – A medium melt point between 125°F-135°F makes an excellent candle wax.
  • Color Receptive – Earthy pigments infuse easily into the wax to produce candle colors.
  • Container Friendly – Hazelnut adheres well to glass and metal containers for a smooth finish.

How to Use Hazelnut Wax for Candles

hazelnut wax

Follow basic candlemaking methods, using hazelnut instead of standard waxes. Melt flakes or pellets to a pouring temperature of around 160°F using a double boiler to prevent scorching. Add recommended amounts of vegetable-based dye to achieve the desired candle color. For fragrance, limit essential oils or candle scents to 1-2% by weight to retain a good scent throw without negatively affecting burn. Carefully pour the wax into prepped containers and place wicks. Allow adequate cooling and curing before burning finished candles.

Why is Hazelnut So Expensive?

Given niche production levels currently, hazelnut costs noticeably more than major commodity waxes like paraffin or soy wax. Only a handful of producers globally process hazelnut shells and skins into wax, resulting in small batches and limited supply. Specialized chemical extraction methods also contribute to higher prices. The cost should moderate over time as more companies commercialize hazelnut wax production.

Hazelnut Wax Candle Recipe

This basic soy-hazelnut container candle recipe utilizes a wax blend for balanced properties. Makes an 8 oz candle.

  • 6 oz hazelnut wax flakes
  • 2 oz soy wax flakes
  • .5 oz fragrance/essential oil
  • Hazel-brown liquid dye


Using a double boiler, combine waxes and melt to 160°F, stirring gently. Remove from heat. Stir in fragrance and several drops of dye until achieving the desired color. Carefully pour into a container holding the wick. Let fully harden before burning.

Environmental Impact of Hazelnut Wax Candles

Unlike paraffin derived from non-renewable petroleum, hazelnut wax comes from an agricultural byproduct, giving it sustainability advantages. Upcycling hazelnut waste into candle wax also diverts biomass from landfills. As a bio-based, biodegradable wax, hazelnut aligns well with eco-conscious lifestyles and products. Energy used in chemical processing can offset this benefit somewhat depending on the producer and process efficiency.

Wax Comparison

With a growing demand for natural and sustainable products, there is increased interest in new and innovative wax options for candle making. Hazelnut, extracted from hazelnut shells, is gaining attention as an eco-friendly alternative to standard waxes. How does hazelnut wax compare to other common candle waxes like beeswax, soy wax, and paraffin wax in terms of properties and performance? This review compares the key qualities of each.

Beeswax vs Hazelnut

Source – Beeswax is produced naturally by honey bees to build honeycomb. Hazelnut wax comes from the pressed shells and skins, a byproduct of hazelnut oil production.

Scent – The rich, honey-like fragrance of beeswax infuses into the candle scent. Hazelnut wax has a subtle, earthy, nutty aroma.

Texture – Beeswax is brittle and needs blending. Hazelnut wax is smooth and pliable on its own.

Burn Time – Beeswax candles tend to burn longer than average. Hazelnut wax candles also exhibit good burn time.

Environmental Impact – Both waxes are considered sustainable options, utilizing natural agricultural byproducts.

Price – Rare and labor-intensive harvesting makes pure beeswax quite expensive. As a newer product, hazelnut wax is also pricier than standard waxes.

Soy Wax vs Hazelnut Wax

Source – Soy wax utilizes hydrogenated soybean oil. Hazelnut comes from pressed nut shells and skins.

Scent – Soy wax has a faint beany aroma. Hazelnut wax lends a subtle, nutty fragrance.

Burn QualitySoy wax throws scent well and burns evenly. Hazelnut also performs nicely.

Melting Point – Soy generally melts at a slightly lower temperature than hazelnut wax.

Natural Status – Soy wax is considered a natural wax. Hazelnut is semi-natural.

Price – Soy wax is affordable and mainstream. As a niche wax, hazelnut remains moderately expensive.

Paraffin Wax vs. Hazelnut wax

Source – Paraffin wax is a petroleum byproduct. Hazelnut is plant-based.

ScentParaffin wax has no natural scent. Hazelnut wax has a mild, nutty fragrance.

Environmental Impact – Paraffin is non-renewable. Hazelnut wax is biodegradable and comes from food production waste.

Burn Quality – Paraffin tends to burn fast with little scent throw. Hazelnut wax has better fragrance release and burn time.

Appearance – Paraffin wax looks opaque white. Natural hazelnut wax has an earthy, brownish hue.

Price – Paraffin is the cheapest candlemaking wax. Hazelnut costs noticeably more due to small batch production.

Hazelnut wax makes an intriguing sustainable alternative for crafting fragrant, clean-burning candles. Tapping into hazelnut production waste streams reduces environmental impacts compared to fossil fuel-based waxes. The natural nutty aroma and smooth burn properties also set hazelnut candles apart. As demand for eco-friendly candle waxes expands, expect hazelnut wax innovation to continue increasing.


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