Homemade Berry Candles for Home Decor

Candles are indispensable in home decor, for reason that they effortlessly brings warmth and ambiance to any room. But why settle for the ordinary, store-bought candles when you can level-up your space with delightful homemade berry candles? Imagine the sweet, fruity aroma wafting through your home, creating a cozy atmosphere that feels both inviting and personal. Plus, these charming candles make thoughtful and unique gifts for friends and family, perfect for any occasion!

Here’s how you can easily craft your own berry candles at home, infusing your living space with not just a lovely fragrance, but also a touch of your own creativity. Let’s dive in!

Gather Your Supplies To Make Berry Candles

Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary supplies. You will need:

  • Wax (soy or beeswax work best)
  • Wicks
  • Double boiler or a heat-safe container and a pot
  • Fragrance oil (optional)
  • Dried berries (such as bayberries or candle berries)
  • Candle dye (optional)
  • Heat-safe container for pouring the wax
  • Wooden skewer or pencil
  • Scissors

Prepare Your Work Area

berry candles

Use a tablecloth or a newspaper to cover where you will be working to protect it from spilling or dripping on the floor. Make sure your double boiler or heat-safe container is on the stove and place your heat-safe container somewhere close to you.

Melt the Wax

Fill the bottom of the double boiler or pot with water and bring it to a boil. Place the wax in the top of the double boiler or in the heat-safe container and place it over the boiling water. Stir occasionally until the wax is completely melted. If you are using a heat-safe container, make sure it is heat-resistant and can withstand the high temperatures.

Add Fragrance and Dye (Optional)

If you want scented candles, add a few drops of fragrance oil to the melted wax and stir well. You can also add a few drops of candle dye to achieve your desired color. Stir until the color is evenly distributed.

Prepare the Wicks

While the wax is melting, prepare your wicks. Cut the wicks to the desired length, leaving a few extra inches to secure them to the bottom of the container. Dip the wicks in the melted wax and then place them in the center of your containers. Use a wooden skewer or pencil to hold the wick in place until the wax hardens.

Add the Berries

Once the wax is melted and the wicks are secured, it’s time to add the berries. Place a handful of dried berries into the bottom of each container. You can use one type of berry or mix and match for a unique look.

Pour the Wax

Carefully pour the melted wax into the containers, making sure to cover the berries. Leave a small amount of space at the top of the container to avoid overflow. Use the wooden skewer or pencil to gently move the berries around if needed.

Let the Candles Cool

Allow the candles to cool and harden completely before trimming the wicks to about ¼ inch. This will prevent the wicks from smoking when lit.

What Berries Are Used to Make Candles?

Candles have long been cherished for their gentle illumination and aromatic properties. While many might think of wax, wicks, and fragrance oils, it’s fascinating to explore the natural ingredients that go into creating unique candle scents and colors. Among these ingredients, berries stand out as a delightful addition, not only for their vibrant hues but also for their enchanting fragrances. In this article, we will explore the different types of berries commonly used in candle-making, how they contribute to the overall candle experience, and some practical tips for incorporating them.

Popular Berries Used in Candle Making


Cranberries are well-known for their tart flavor and bright red color. In candle-making, they can be used both in their natural form and as an infused oil. Cranberry-scented candles evoke a sense of warmth and comfort, often associated with festive seasons. Their bright color can also add a striking visual appeal to the candles.


Blackberry essence offers a rich, sweet fragrance with a hint of tartness. This berry’s deep purple color can be infused into candles to create a beautiful hue reminiscent of twilight. Blackberry candles can evoke feelings of warmth and nostalgia, making them ideal for cozy evenings by the fireplace.


Raspberries are another popular choice for candles due to their vibrant red hue and sweet, fruity scent. Raspberry-scented candles often bring an uplifting, invigorating atmosphere to any room. When blended with other scents, such as vanilla or clean linen, raspberry can create a delightful and refreshing experience.


While not as commonly used as raspberries or blackberries, elderberries provide a unique scent profile that brings a floral, slightly fruity aroma to candles. The deep purple of elderberries can lend a mystical quality to the candle’s visual presentation.


Blueberries are recognizable for their sweet, subtle flavor and are often used in candles for their pleasant scent and color. Blueberry candles can provide a fresh, fruity fragrance that makes them popular in spring and summer collections.

Benefits of Using Berries in Candle Making

Natural Fragrance

One of the main advantages of using berries in candle-making is the natural fragrance they provide. The fresh, fruity aromas of berries can create a warm and inviting ambiance, making them a great alternative to synthetic fragrances.

Vibrant Colors

Berries are known for their rich pigments, which can be harnessed to create beautiful colors in candles. Using natural berry extracts or dyes can enhance the aesthetic appeal, drawing customers’ attention and elevating the overall experience.

Eco-Friendly Options

Many candle-makers are inclined to use natural ingredients to align with eco-friendly practices. Berries can provide a more sustainable choice, especially when sourced locally or grown organically.

How to Incorporate Berries into Candlesberry candlesInfused Oils

One of the most effective ways to incorporate berries is through infused oils. To create a berry-infused oil, simply soak dried berries in a carrier oil (like olive or coconut oil) for a few weeks. Strain the mixture before adding it to your melted wax.

Dried Berries

Dried berries can be added directly to the candle mixture. This method not only imparts scent but also provides visual interest. However, be cautious, as dried fruit can sometimes burn during the candle’s use.


Ground dried berries can also act as natural colorants. When added to the wax, they can impart a lovely hue; however, it’s essential to test various amounts to achieve the desired shade without affecting the wax’s burn quality.

Are Candleberry Candles Safe?

Candles have been a beloved source of light and ambiance for centuries, and they continue to be a popular choice for enhancing home aesthetics and creating cozy atmospheres. Among the multitude of candle brands available, Candleberry has carved out a niche with its enticing scents and distinctive designs. However, as candle enthusiasts consider their choices, safety is often a prime concern. So, are Candleberry candles safe? Let’s delve into the details.

Understanding Candle Safety

Candles can pose certain risks if not used or manufactured properly. The primary safety concerns associated with candles include:

  1. Soot Emission: Burning candles can produce soot, which can accumulate on walls and ceilings and may affect air quality.
  2. Toxic Fumes: Some candles, particularly those made with paraffin wax and synthetic fragrances, can emit potentially harmful chemicals when burned.
  3. Fire Hazard: Leaving candles unattended, placing them near flammable materials, or using them improperly can lead to fire hazards.

What Makes Candleberry Candles Different?

Candleberry candles are known for their unique blend of fragrances, and they are often touted for their high-quality ingredients. Here are some key points to consider regarding their safety:

  1. Quality Ingredients: Candleberry candles are made from a combination of high-quality waxes, including paraffin and natural additives. They strive to source premium materials that result in a cleaner burn compared to lower-quality candles.
  2. Fragrance Profiles: Candleberry employs proprietary fragrance blends designed to create rich and enduring scents. While they often use synthetics, the brand emphasizes using safe and non-toxic fragrance components.
  3. Soot Levels: Many users report that Candleberry candles burn cleanly with minimal soot. This is an essential factor for those concerned with indoor air quality, as soot can affect respiratory health.
  4. Burn Time and Performance: Candleberry candles are designed to have a consistent and even burn, which not only enhances safety but also ensures that you get the most out of your investment in terms of usage and scent throw.

Safety Practices When Using Any Candle

Even with a brand like Candleberry that places an emphasis on quality, candle safety practices should always be followed to minimize risks:

  • Never leave burning candles unattended.
  • Keep candles away from flammable materials such as curtains, paper, or wood surfaces.
  • Trim wick to about 1/4 inch before lighting to reduce soot and ensure a steady flame.
  • Place candles on stable, heat-resistant surfaces to avoid tipping or melting.
  • Follow burn time recommendations—generally, it’s safe to burn candles for up to four hours but consult the specific product guidelines.

Enjoy Your Beautiful Berry Candles

Your homemade berry candles are now ready to be enjoyed! Light them up and bask in the warm glow and sweet scent of your unique creation. You can also wrap them up in a pretty ribbon and give them as gifts to your loved ones.

Creating your own berry candles at home is a fun and easy way to add a personal touch to your home decor. Plus, the sweet scent of the berries will make your home feel warm and inviting. Give it a try and see for yourself!

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